Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Amazon's EBS backed AMI vs S3 backed AMI

Now that you are convinced, Amazon EC2 cloud is the way to go, which one will you choose EBS (Elastic Block Store) backed AMI or S3 (Simple Storage Service) backed AMI. Different factors that come into play in making the decision are listed below.
FactorEBS backed AMI'sS3 backed AMI's
Storage Size1TB10GB
Instances can be stoppedYesNo
Boot TimeFaster (~1min)Slower (~5mins)
Local Instance StoreNot AvailableAvailable
Data PersistenceEBS attached as volume (persist)S3 is the root partition (doesn't persist)
AMI CreationEasier and can be done using APINo API available for Linux
ChargesVolume Storage + storage usage + AMI Storage + Instance usageAMI Storage + instance usage
Customized AMI Storage ChargesLower (charged only for the changes)higher (full storage charge)
Instance Usage ChargeNo charge for stopped instances. Charge full instance hour for every transition from stopped to running state (.10 for full hour running, .30 for restarting twice in a hour)Not Applicable

Amazon EC2 Limitations:
  • 20 running instances
  • Overall instance limit = 4xthe running instance limit
  • 100 Amazon EBS Volumes or 20TB total volume storage
  • 100 Security Groups


  1. Replies
    1. Sorry, I cannot edit using this silly comments system. My question is -- which one do you recommend in which scenario? Just listing the table is fine, but a bit of view point would be more useful.

      Also, the "20 running instances" means per account??? That's useless. What if I have more than 20 websites, each running in its instance?
