Friday, February 13, 2009

Cloud Computing - CloudCamp Toronto

CloudCamp - a place to meet and learn about cloud computing, happened in Toronto last week. Below are the snippets of our interesting discussions, to provoke your thought process.
  1. No security -- don't put sensitive data in clouds
  2. More suitable for small businesses -- where server requirements are not clear
  3. Technology virtualization -- running multiple os on a platform, technology that made cloud computing possible
  4. Common API -- in progress, by multiple vendors for cloud portability
  5. Business opportunities in cloud
  6. Saas -- should run in cloud
  7. Saas - Paas - Iaas(bottom) -- more stack, less flexible
  8. google app engine -- example for Paas
  9. Beware, you will still be paying for the Bandwidth.
  10. Superbowl commercial -- example where clouds can be a perfect fit.
  11. When will clouds run out of space? -- at least not in another couple of years
  12. Amazon EC2 is the leading provider of Cloud Computing.
  13. Saas running in clouds -- example: salesforce, google docs
  14. peak / off peak rates -- once the cloud computing pick steam, we are going to see these.
Thanks guys for arranging this meet up. It will really be a time saver, when we deploy our app in clouds.


  1. It is very nice. What is "Paas - Iaas" ?
    Could you please explain from the architecture point of view?

  2. Paas - Platform as a Service (eg:
    Iaas - Infrastructure as a Service (eg: clouds)
